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As I ramp up to launch my newest book, Business Killers, I revisited the launch of my previous book, RiskBuster. The following article was published on November 9, 2009.
Wow! I can hardly believe we’re almost there! The RiskBuster eblast goes live at midnight tonight and we have an amazing team helping to get the word out. Britta, my sole overworked employee, began recruiting partners for the eblast a couple months ago and I’ve been burning the candle at both ends for the past few weeks as well.
Are we ready? Well, today will be a scramble, but I think we are.
Hum, tee, tum… let’s see where RiskBuster is living on Amazon this morning… ah yes – let the record show the book is ranked at #2,149,136 in Books this morning. Whatever our results tomorrow, that ranking is sure to have fewer digits in it.
I finished writing RiskBuster a few months ago and my publisher, Morgan James Publishing, finished working their magic on it in late September. Other than picking up a few books for my own distribution, we haven’t really done any energetic marketing. And so the book continues to drift further and further down in the Amazon rankings.
Not to worry. The reason for the silence is that we have been buried in preparing for tomorrow’s eblast, the official book launch. As well building the membership site that this blog is part of. It was just a year ago when my first book, Business Plan or BUST! went from an Amazon ranking of #5,208,502 to the best seller list with the help of a similar 24-hour eblast.
I’m excited and tired. Not as terrified as a year ago. I’m extremely thankful to have the publishing behind me and the for the open road ahead. Mostly I just feel completely privileged to be able to write and get the word out about the undeniable magic of business planning! And I’m deeply thankful for the effort so many others have put into making tomorrow’s eblast possible!!
The writing and publishing might be 10% of the effort needed to make a book successful. It seems to me that the other 90% is in the marketing.
And so I’m off to do more marketing today. We will be tracking the results of the eblast and reporting them here throughout tomorrow, whenever the spirit moves me.
Reinvention in the New Year