Dan Boudreau, Author

Welcome to my home online. If you're starting or running a small business, I can help. Please explore my website, share it with other entrepreneurs, and get in touch if you'd like to discuss.

About Dan

Dan Boudreau has devoted the last 20 years to coaching and mentoring on the captivating world of entrepreneurship. He authors and leads lively, transformative workshops for business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

Launching into his first venture in 1979 with no background in business, he has embraced and survived the wide spectrum of business ownership, from single owner home-based enterprises to ventures employing dozens of workers.

Armed with the business planning process as a teaching tool, he empowers ordinary men and women to create the financial stability and lifestyle they dream of. He is proudest of being acknowledged and appreciated by peers and friends for his ability to bring ideas to fruition with a nod towards his warm, personable style.

In 2006, Dan bundled his knowledge and bruises into his first book, Business Plan or BUST. In writing the book, he combined his practical experience as a business owner with his expertise as a lender for an economic development agency, and tossed in his unique brand of wit. Dan’s fresh perspective and practical style led to seven years as a business columnist for a local newspaper.

When Dan takes time out from business and writing, you will find him crammed into a floating toothpaste tube sometimes referred to as a kayak (occasionally right side up), or coaxing disturbing sounds from his guitar. From bungled attempts to outsmart fish in the rivers of northern British Columbia to flopping around in the waves or practicing applied inertia on tropical beaches, his leisure time usually incorporates fresh air, clean water, and sandy beaches.


Doodle Your Way to a Healthy Business Plan
A workbook for budding entrepreneurs and business owners.

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